Power Amiga...G�� Sizinle Olsun....

4. SAYI Mart-Nisan 1998

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Blizzard PowerUP 603e Kartlar� Nihayet Piyasada

En sonunda herkesin merakla bekledi�i Blizzard PowerUP 603e kartlar�n�n sonunda piyasaya ��kt�.Bu haberi okudu�unuz �u g�nlerde Blizzard PowerPC 603e/160 Mhz kart� b�t�n d�nyada sat��a ��km�� durumda.200 ve 250 Mhz`lik kartlar ise 1 - 2 hafta arayla piyasada olacak.Phase5 kartlar�n �zellikleri ve fiyatlar�nda olduk�a pozitif de�i�iklikler yapt�.Bu de�i�ikler ��yle :

  • Phase5 biri SCSI-II`li bir SCSI-II`siz olmak �zere Blizzard 603e ve Blizzard 603e+ modellerini �retti."+" i�areti SCSI-II`li modeli g�stermekte.Blizzard 603e ve 603e+ modellerinde SCSI-II d���nda herhangi bir fark yok.

  • 68030`lu i�lemcili veya bo� PowerUP kart� sat�lmayacak.PowerUp kartlar� ya 68040/25 Mhz ya da 68060/50 Mhz i�lemcisi ile gelecek.

Blizzard PowerUP 603e modellinin fiyatlar� ve teknik �zellikleri ��yle :

68040/25 68060/50
Blizzard 603/160 Mhz 399$ 769$
Blizzard 603/200 Mhz 499$ 869$
Blizzard 603/250 Mhz 599$ 969$
Blizzard 603e+/160 Mhz 499$ 869$
Blizzard 603e+/200 Mhz 599$ 969$
Blizzard 603e+/250 Mhz 699$ 1069$

PowerPC ��lemci Motorola 603e PPC
��lemci H�zlar� @ 160, 200, 250 Mhz
Ek 68K ��lemci Motorola 68040/25 veya 68060/50 Mhz
PowerPC ��lem G�c� (160Mhz - 200 Mhz - 250 Mhz)
MIPS 252 - 282 - 300
SpecFP95 5.0 - 5.6 - 7.10
SIMM Slotu Say�s� 2 Adet Simm Slotu
Maksimum Bellek 128 MB RAM
Ekstra Slot Blizzard Vision PPC 3D Grafik Kard Slot
�al��t��� Makine A1200 veya A1200T, A1300T, A1400T

Blizzard PowerUP 603e kart� Sistem CD`si ile gelecek.Bu CD`de gerekli ppc.library ve AGA �ipsetinde grafik kart� gerektiren VideoCD ve Mpeg, AVI,Quicktime Player programlar�n� �al��mas�n� sa�layan Cybergraphics V3.0 AGA ve Blizzard Vision PPC kart�n�n �al��mas�n� sa�layacak Cybergraphics V3.0 PPC yaz�l�m� da gelecek.Cybergraphics V3.0 AGA ve ISIS 2 PPC program� ile 320x200 256 renkli ekranda 8 kare/sn h�z�nda stereo ses ile VideoCD seyredebilmek m�mk�n olacak.Ayr�ca Quake ve di�er oyunlar da bu sistemi kullanarak daha h�zl� �al��acak.

PowerPC 603e ��lemcilerinin Pentium ��lemcilerle Kar��la�t�rmas�:

NOT: A�a��daki de�erler MIPS de�erlerinden daha �ok inand�r�c� olan SpecInt*95 de�erleridir..

Pentium 166 MMX 4.58
Power PC 603e/160 5.0
Pentium 200 MMX 5.17
Power PC 603e/200 5.6
Pentium 233 MMX 7.10
PowerPC 603e/250 7.10

Index Ltd. & Phase5 Firmas�ndan PowerPC Ortakl���

Phase5 ve DCE firmas� ile �u anda Amiga i�in en �ok hardware dizayn eden Index Ltd. firmas� yeni �retti�i Boxer anakartlar�n�n PowerPC i�lemcili kartlar�nda PPC standart� olarak Phase5`in PowerUP teknolojisini kullanma konusunda Phase5 ile ortak �al��aca��n� duyurdu.B�ylece PPC kartl� Boxer anakartlar�nda PowerUP i�in yaz�lm�� programlar�n �al��mas� garanti alt�na al�nd� ve olas� uyumsuzluklar�n �n�ne ge�ildi.Ayr�ca Index Ltd. firmas� Boxer anakartlar�na Cybervision PPC veya BlizzardVision PPC 3D kartlar�n�n tak�lmas� i�in bir grafik kart slotu da ekleyecek.

Bu geli�me hem kullan�c�lar hem de PowerPC`li Amiga i�in program yazan firmalar taraf�ndan pozitif bir geli�me olarak nitelendirildi.A��klaman�n orjinal Ingilizce metni a�a��da :

Index Information Ltd, Blittersoft and phase 5 digital products co-operating on
PowerPC technology for the Amiga.

February 19, 1998:

 Index Information Ltd., a UK developer and manufacturer of Amiga-based computer
products, Blittersoft, a UK based Amiga distributor, and phase 5 digital
products, a German developer and manufacturer of Amiga upgrade products, are
pleased to announce their co-operation on PowerPC technologies for the upcoming
Amiga-compatible BoXeR system by Index Information Ltd/Blittersoft

As a result of this co-operation, the BoXeR system will be shipping with a
PowerPC expansion slot, on which a PowerPC-based accelerator can be installed,
which will be fully software compatible to the PowerUP accelerators from phase 5
digital products. "We are pleased that our co-operation will further support the
migration of the Amiga towards the PowerPC, and that we can provide a unified
interface for software developers and for the users.

By use of a compatible API (Application Programmers Interface) it ensures that
software developed for PowerUP will work on the PowerPC accelerators for the
BoXeR, making it even more attractive for Amiga software vendors to support this
standard. This co-operation helps strengthen an emerging standard which will
allow a wide range of breathtaking new products."says Wolf Dietrich of phase 5
digital products. He points out that the PowerUP technology which will be used
in the PowerPC accelerators for the BoXeR is the base for a new generation of
high-tech products, such as CPU cards with multiple PowerPC processor and full
multiprocessing software support, which will be appearing later in 1998.

Additionally, the BoXeR will also incorporate a graphics card expansion slot
which is compatible with the one that is available on phase 5's CyberstormPPC
and MkIII accelerators. This will allow the availability of powerful and
inexpensive high-resolution 3D graphics card for the BoXeR, too. "By jointly
choosing a common performance level for the next generation of GFX cards,
together we can set a unified minimum standard which software developers can
rely on" adds Wolf Dietrich. "This will quickly increase the number of
applications using highest resolution and the hardware 3D acceleration,
including quite a number of fascinating new games."

Also closely involved in the co-operation is Blittersoft, the worldwide
distributor of the BoXeR system.  "Whilst the BoXeR is very much a product to
provide a diverse range of Amiga systems, we feel it is important to maintain
compatibility with the leading edge peripherals.  phase 5 products are very much
in that category, and we hope this co-operation will be the first of many, to
allow the Amiga community to receive the BoXeR design with even more confidence"
says Paul Lesurf of Blittersoft.

"We are very pleased to announce the ongoing work to increase the flexibility of
the BoXeR and the work with phase 5 will allow us to deliver a wider range of
performance options to the customer", said Mick Tinker of Index.  "BoXeR systems
will be available with performance starting at the 68040 25MHz, through all the
speed options up to the 68060 66MHz and on to single and multiprocessor PowerPC
systems with enormous performance levels.

All this will be available at time of purchase or as user upgrades. The modern
design of the BoXeR motherboard will allow the full benefit of the PowerPC to be
utilised by providing a 64-bit path to onboard memory."

Inside Out : PCI Amiga-On-A-Card

Boxer PPC anakart� ile dikkat �eken ve yukar�da okudu�unuz gibi Phase5 ile birlik yapan Index Ltd. firmas�n�n bir ba�ka bir �r�n� de Inside Out anakart�.Inside Out �zerinde 68060/75 Mhz i�lemci ve AGA �ipset bulunan g�n�m�z�n PC`lerinin PCI slotuna tak�lan bir Amiga anakart�. Index. Ltd firmas� HiQ firmas� ile yapt��� anla�ma sonucu Inside Out anakart�n� Siamese V3.0 sistemi ile satacak.Index firmas�n�n buradaki esas amac� aynen Phase5 gibi 68040 ve 68060 i�lemcinin yan�na PowerPC yerine Intel Pentium veya Dec Alpha koymak.Yani Inside Out PCI ile tak�ld��� Intel Pentium i�lemcisi bir FPU gibi kullanacak.�imdi Intel`le ortak olmaya ne gerek vard� diyebilirsiniz ?.Ancak nas�l Phase5`in AmigaOS`u PowerPC i�lemcilerine uygun ba�tan yazma hedefi varsa Index Ltd.`de AmigaOS`u Intel ve Dec Alpha i�lemcilerine yazmak hedefinde.Bu ku�kusuz AmigaOS`un birden fazla i�lemcide �al��an bir sistem haline getirecek.Inside Out PCI anakart�n� a�a��da g�rebilirsiniz.

Netscape 5.0`�n Amiga S�r�m� Ufukta G�r�nd�

Web Browser piyasas�nda Microsoft Internet Explorer`�n en b�y�k rakibi olan Netscape firmas� yeni browserlar� Netscape 5.0`�n kaynak kodunun isteyen firmalara �cretsiz olarak verilece�ini duyurdu.Netscape bu karar� Microsoft`un ula�amad��� AmigaOS ve IBM`in OS/2 Warp i�letim sisteminde de Netscape`in kullan�lmas� i�in ald��� belirtiliyor.Mart ay� sonunda Netscape firmas� ilgili firmalara 5.0`�n kaynak kodunu verecek.San�r�z 2-3 ay i�eresinde MUI ile �al��an bir Netscape 5.0`�m�z olabilir.